Have you completed your authorization profile on Starcks?

It is important to do this!

If you're wondering why we ask you to complete the authorization profile, you're on the right page to find out.

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The Starcks platform is managed by a company incorporated under Italian law. This involves complying with various obligations, all very precise, in terms of user identification. The obligations are established by European standards which have the sole objective of creating a secure environment in which to buy and exchange tokens and digital assets. This means that if you do not complete the authorization process, the Starcks platform will not be able to give you the green light to play, otherwise we could jeopardize the safety and security of other users active on the platform.

Our goal is clear: to see you play games alongside your champions while protecting your enjoyment.

We understand that it may take a few minutes to complete our identification process and that this may not be so fun. But look on the bright side: the people who will be on the platform will have taken the time, like you, to show us their good intentions. We therefore ask you to complete the authorization process to allow us to be as respectful as possible of the law and above all to protect you to the end.

We also talk about this topic in our regulation, you can read more there or contact us. In the future we will also talk about this on our social channels, don't forget to follow us there too!