Lock the Star Token and live the Star Experience!

Unlock the power of locking.

Locking on Starcks is the mechanism that allows you to earn Star Credits, the only credits with which you can book experiences with your players and reserve prizes and limited-edition items created by Starcks and players for you. You can also use your credits to redeem vouchers that can be converted into Star Tokens.

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On the Starcks platform you will find the section dedicated to locking, here you can choose the offer of credits you think is most interesting, decide how long to lock the Tokens for by clicking on the relevant button. At the end of the period you indicated, we will automatically credit your Star Wallet with the credits obtained. If you change your mind, you can withdraw the Tokens from locking at any time, but in this case you will not have accrued any credit.

Some items in our store can be purchased both in credits and in tokens. Credits are better, right? Curious to know what these prizes and items are? You will be able to choose between the shirt autographed by your Star, the NFTs created exclusively for you, VIP Passes and much more, discover them all on the Starcks platform!